Panzerfaust 150's Battletech Home on the Web
  Battletech Home | Designs Page | Miniatures Photos and ideas page | Favorite Battletech Links | 7th Crucis Lancers Shrine | Legal Disclaimer Page and Thank You page | Ground Zero Games Page | Other Miniatures Photos page | Guestbook Page | New York State Battletech League Page | Other Minis Photo Page 2 | Personal Photo Page  

About the Author
Hello, you have found your way to Jason Weiser's Battletech home on the Web. Basically, with me being a Fanpro Commando and a rabid Battletech fan, I felt that it was high time I had a home page. As for me, well, what's to tell..I am a wargamer, amateur historian and sci-fi fan. So, if you love battletech, this is the place to be!

And for those of you who like GZG's Dirtside II, Full Thrust and Stargrunt, don't panic, something will be here shortly for you as well

I love the 7th Crucis Lancers! And yes, I am upset by their demise in Imminent Crisis
Go to my fanpage for them and perhaps, even submit something for it!
I have site banners! Here's one design, more can be found on the Battletech Minis Photo Page.

What's New or Going on Summary!

A word: The site's look is changing soon! No more Javascript!

November 8th, 2002: Well, it's been a busy time, I got married, I am relocating and graduating soon. And, sadly, I haven't had a lot of time for the site. That will change soon. So, be patient!

February 2nd, 2003: Added some photos to the Battletech section and a new design, the Totenvogel.

February 12th, 2003: Added two new designs, the CRB-29K and the Cadet.

February 17th, 2003: Added my pet Assault Mech design, the DCR-7D Destructor.

February 27th, 2003:Changed format of Designs page, Designs now link to html pages for each design, I am trying to get the zipped hmp files back up, but no joy so far, I will keep you posted, but until then, contact me and I will send you the .zip files myself.

March 4th, 2003:Ok folks, I fixed the links so now you can DL the .hmp files yourself. Scroll to the bottom of the page for that given design and click on "Get Design Here" and click on it. As for the pics, no joy yet, but have faith, I will get them up eventually!

June 5th, 2003: With my new digital Camera, I was able to put up better pics of my mechs, come see them and let me know what you think! Also, I changed some of the links as they were, well, dead.

July 5th, 2003: Added a new pic and design for my first custom minature.

September 4th, 2003: Some new photos up

Sign the Guestbook!
Hey, as long as you came all this way though the wilds of the internet..then sign the guestboook and let us know what you think of the page.

Daily Larry the Leadhead Cartoon!

This page remembers Sept. 11th and will NEVER FORGET
132015 mechwarriors have visited these pages
Writing the Author!